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CLASses offered 

Important to Note:

We value dance education at Signature Dance and find importance in creating an environment that best suits your dancer. Placement in class is guided by our teachers, and our classes are tailored for each age group and skill level. Classes are taught in an encouraging environment with an expectation that students will come on time, prepared and with good attitude!


Each class participates in a year end production at the end of the dance season. Every student is an important piece of the show and attendance is important throughout the year in order for each dancer to feel prepared to perform on stage. Contact us for more information on classes. 


TAP is rhythm and syncopated music of the feet. It is America's only true dance art form, with its roots stemming from the African-American culture. Classes begin at 3 years old.


HIP-HOP is an athletic, high energy style of dance that originated from street dance and hip-hop culture. Classes begin at 8 years old. Dancers must be enrolled in a Jazz class to take Hip-Hop.


JAZZ dance can vary greatly in style, absorbing the many influences of current life. It has its own technique that requires a very free and flexible body, together with the ability to "isolate" all of its separate parts. Classes begin at 6 years old.


BALLET is a structured, graceful, and elegant form of dance that is the basis of all other dance forms. Classes begin at 3 years old.


CONTEMPORARY dance is a style of expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical and classical ballet.

class pricing

  • 30 min. class once per week Monthly $50 / Discounted rate $45

  • 45 min. class once per week Monthly $55. / Discounted rate $50

  • 60 min. class once per week Monthly $60 / Discounted rate $55

  • 75 min. class once per week Monthly $65 / Discounted rate $60

  • 90 min. class once per week Monthly $70 / Discounted rate $65

  • ​45 min. classes TWICE per week in tap (this is reserved for older students with previous tap experience) Monthly $80 / Discounted rate $75

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Payments: Monthly tuition is due by the 15th of each month September – May Late payments will include a late fee of 5% for any payment below $199. Over $200 will be $10 late fee.


*Discounted rate is for students taking class in two or more styles as or families with more than one student enrolled*

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